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IARU Greenhouse Emissions Reduction Targets

IARU Environmental Targets

University Targets
ANU 35% below 2006 levels by 2020
100% offset of fleet emissions by 2009
100% offset/reduction of air travel emissions by 2014
Berkeley Back to 1990 levels by 2014
Cambridge 10% below 2005 levels by 2010/2011 for building related emissions
Copenhagen 20% below 2006 levels by 2013
ETH Zurich
10% reduction in CO2 below 1990 levels.
In more detail:
- Reduce CO2 emissions from heating by 50% for the “Science City” Campus by 2020. Base year 2004. This campus is responsible for most of the CO2-emissions at the ETH Zurich.
- Reduce energy consumption by 10% in some buildings at ETH.
Energy & heat:
1. 15% reduction in our existing buidling emissions by 2015.
2. 20% reduction in laboratory energy consumption benchmarked against standard regularized laboratory consumption by 2015.
3. 25% reduction in future building emissions benchmarked against existing building energy consumption norms by 2015.
Air miles: 100% offset in carbon emissions by routing equivalent carbon fees to campus green/energy efficiency projects.
Campus fleet emissions: 100% offset in carbon emissions by using alternative fuels/greener vehicles and routing remaining carbon fees to campus green/energy efficiency projects.
Oxford 20% of building related CO2 emissions below 1990 levels by 2010, real progress by 2020 and 60% by 2050 based on 1990 levels.
Peking 15% per floor area below 2005 levels by 2010 (Short term goal). Currently reviewing for long term goal.
Tokyo 15% of CO2 emission from non-experimental sector below 2006 by 2012
Yale 43% below 2005 levels by 2020

The variations in these targets reflect institutional differences, such as the maturity of their respective campus sustainability programs and infrastructure design, as well as regional issues, such as climate, energy sources and projected growth.

By necessity, the base year for measuring reductions differs among the Universities due largely to the availability of accurate data. Hence, the focus of the targets is not the starting point, but rather the end point - the impact that changes in campus operations will have in reducing the emissions profile of the Universities by 2020.

Contact IARU | Copyright | 20 November 2009
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