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I-Meet (IARU Virtual Meet-Up)

In keeping with its status as a global Alliance with members located around the world, IARU has launched a new feature – the IARU Virtual Meet-Up. Members from the various IARU project groups may now communicate more easily and regularly despite differences in localities and time zones. It is also part of the Alliance's commitment to reducing carbon emissions from frequent travels for Alliance work.

Presently, the IARU Secretariat manages a virtual meeting tool that generates a virtual platform that IARU member can use to organize its meeting. Beyond providing the virtual meeting platform which includes webcam imaging and virtual chats, this tool allows the sharing of documents, instant feedback and annotation of presentation materials.

To organize an I-Meet, send an email to with meeting dates and time (this should be done at least three days in advance of the meeting). You can also download the easy-to-follow users' guide with contact info for 24 hours customer service.

For ease of coordination, please download and refer to the time zone chart (standard/daylight saving) of all IARU members. Besides IARU generated tools, the Alliance also encourages the use of other widely available virtual tools such as Skype and MSN Messenger, which will serve to further strengthen informal communication channels among member institutions.

IARU will continue to encourage and leverage on virtual meeting tools and other forms of communications technology that will improve communication and coordination.

Contact IARU | Copyright | 14 December 2010
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